Konstantinos Zilos

The referendum project

The Greek society apart from the humanitarian crisis is also experiencing an identity crisis.
What I did was pose a question to the public. Thus placing the object of observation and seek the transmitter, in my case the people that were crossing the Ermou street on Thursday 21 of April. So I created a vote.
The question specifically was that due to the the social phenomena (humanitarian crisis, refugees flows, etc ), the citizens of Athens felt to a great extent the need for composition of self-organizations/collectives, squats, communities, extreme or not social groups, etc. In essence it is an attempt to showcase the local domination of the city. These actions are likely to affect the culture and the civilization of Athens. In light of the above, I created the vote to find out if they are for or against exoticism of their city.
Great interest was found in companies of young people, where there was contrast of opinions. In the sample of 30 people that vote, I had the following results:
For: 21
Against: 8
Blank vote: 1
Spoiled vote: 0